The author, Esteban Bastida Martín, is a lawyer of the Madrid Bar Association and founding partner of Bastida Abogados. For more than twenty years he has been handling family law and criminal law cases related to family law, being a national reference in cases of parental alienation, domestic violence, false allegations of gender violence, child abduction, violation of human rights, as well as judicial errors and abuses.
The work consists of three volumes.

Demonstrates with irrefutable arguments and reasoning that Parental Alienation Syndrome is a criterion studied and recognised by the scientific community, a legal criterion recognised by the European Court of Human Rights. Alienating a child to reject or hate a parent is a serious crime of psychological child abuse. The process of alienation and its culmination is also a form of psychological violence against the parent rejected or hated by the child.
The work settles the controversies about the non-existence of Parental Alienation Syndrome and false allegations of gender violence. The author unravels and unmasks the fallacies of the gender ideologists, fanatical deniers of PAS. Esteban Bastida claims that citizens must unceasingly demand the independence of the Judiciary to stop the intolerable interference of politicians, judges, prosecutors and radical feminist associations, in the “exclusive” clinical field of psychiatrists and psychologists, the only ones with scientific authority to diagnose and therapeutically treat a minor victim of Parental Alienation.
Volume II shows how gender ideology influences justice, society and education. It shows how lawyers should act in court against PAS denialism. In this volume we find real cases of PAS, false allegations of gender violence and sexual abuse of minors, as well as national and international jurisprudence on this syndrome.

Volume III is composed of practical forms on PAS, which serve as a guide and aid to lawyers, in order to properly exercise the right of defence of the defendant in all Spanish courts, as well as in international courts.
Only the person who has had a child stolen from them in life and is hated for this without justification, where there has been no mistreatment, abuse or neglect, and in addition the Justice has done nothing to protect, has suffered the heart-breaking pain of having a dead child in life.
The Parental Alienation Syndrome, as Bastida explains, has nothing to do with gender violence.
It is a criterion studied and recognised by the scientific community, it is a form of child psychological abuse that can be exercised by a father or a mother in front of their children. It can constitute a psychological crime against the rejected or hated parent, being also a legal criterion recognised and applied by the European Court of Human Rights.
For the author, the vast majority of people believe that they have ideas and beliefs so strongly rooted that their minds and consequently their freedom of thought cannot be manipulated. Nothing is further from reality. Bastida explains that it is relatively easy to transform the minds of citizens, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and other legal operators; and much easier to manipulate the mind of a child.
With a good and simple technique it is possible to replace some ideas with others.
Society in general shows ignorance regarding PAS, the false accusations of gender violence, and the differences between equity feminism and gender feminism. It is normal. The lack of critical thinking means that a large majority repeats the same discourse that gender ideology has managed to insert into the minds of the masses.
The process of manipulating a child to hate their parent is not very different from the brainwashing exercised by sectarian groups or totalitarian governments on their followers. Let’s see:
When we find ourselves evaluating a first idea of brainwashing, the idea is formed by the information that reaches us. But much of that information comes from other people, and so if there are tons of people around you repeating the same message or idea, and no one telling you anything different, reality will become what those people told us. There is nothing else, because alternative sources of information do not arrive that make us change our minds, and make us realise that the information they are giving us is manipulated or false.
An example of brainwashing is the language manipulation in Nazi Germany. The message was short: “The aryan race is superior to all others.”
What was the most powerful means of propaganda of Hitlerism? Was it the individual speeches of Hitler and Goebbels, their agitation against Judaism, against Bolshevism? This was not the reason. People played cards or talked about trivial matters while the radios broadcast the Party’s speeches, which everyone was supposed to listen to with the utmost attention.
National Socialism was introduced into the brain of the masses with words and expressions of daily use that ended up creating a certain way of seeing reality or, as the Nazis would say, a “worldview”. Hitler did not come to power through a coup, but rather the German people elected him by voting for him at the polls. His propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels stated that a lie repeated a thousand times becomes a great truth.
“A lie repeated a thousand times becomes a great truth.”
An “emotional clock” exists for the development and consolidation of PAS that can be set between three and ten years. When it is established, the child him/herself is the one who acts in an autonomous and original way against the despised parent.
Isolation, control, uncertainty, repetition of the message and emotional manipulation are the perverse manipulation techniques that the alienators use to brainwash their children, and thus change their beliefs and feelings towards the father or mother who was once loved.
The alienator isolates the minor from their environment by telling them that the other parent is bad and that they do not care about them, that they do not love them. The child’s beliefs about the beloved parent are the same as always, but there is no one to reaffirm them.
Taking advantage of these moments of weakness, the alienator questions the child’s feelings towards the father or mother who loves them, creates uncertainty, and therefore stress and anxiety. The child’s brain allows them to resist external beliefs, but they are very vulnerable in prolonged situations of high stress.
If the minor doubts their feelings towards their father or mother, they need alternatives, and the alienating parent is there again to offer them another new belief; the message will be short, coherent and simple: they don’t love you, your mother is bad, your father is bad, they abandoned you, they never took care of you, they mistreated me when you were little, your mother left with another man, your father left with another woman, I have always taken care of you. The minor answers automatically without stopping to think. They repeat it several times to break the child’s resistance and to get them reacquainted with the message.
The love that the child has felt towards their parent and that was reciprocated, turns into hatred, and may even become a wish that their parent die.
Bastida has asked himself how parents can cause such perverse harm to their children. He only understands it in terms of the evil of the human being.
Gender ideology pretends to shift reality to fit its ideas.
Gender ideology aims to accommodate reality to its ideas, being essential to achieve its goals to manipulate language, and tell blatant lies such as:
“PAS does not exist”. “It is a trashy science”. “It has no scientific endorsement ”. “It is a misogynistic ideology.” “It is a neo-chauvinist invention to cover up the abuse of male parents of their children”. “It is a mistreatment of the woman to take away the custody of the child.” “False accusations of gender violence do not exist” “Man is sexist by nature and we must end the patriarchy.” “Justice is patriarchal.”
Bastida demonstrates in the book that PAS does have scientific support and that it has absolutely nothing to do with gender violence, however, these phrases that link PAS to gender violence have ended up permeating society and creating a determines a way of seeing reality, which although it is false is politically correct, and anyone who disagrees with that way of thinking will be censored and punished.
In this historical moment that we have lived through, in which, as happened in the Middle Ages with the Court of the Inquisition, we are even required, like Galileo Galilei, to retract an irrefutable truth. Although, like this scientist in his trial in 1633, after being forced to retract his words by acknowledging that the earth did not move around the sun, he mumbled under his breath: “Eppur si muove” -however, it moves-, countless people will do the same, because regardless of what they want to impose on us, we will continue to maintain:
“PAS is a form of psychological abuse of a minor that can be carried out by a father or a mother.”
Violence has no race, no age, no creed, no gender, no sexual orientation or gender identity. Violence is violence, regardless of whoever exercises it, and must be condemned in any case and circumstance.
The author urges the public authorities to provide real protection for minors who are victims of Parental Alienation, making clear the urgent need for a free, impartial and independent judiciary in PAS matters.
An essential book for defendants who see how Justice does nothing to help their children; for those magistrates, prosecutors, lawyers, psychiatrists, paediatricians, and psychologists who encounter these situations in the exercise of their profession. Also, for people sensitised against any form of mistreatment to which a minor may be subjected, and sensitised with men falsely denounced for gender violence.
It offers all the answers and solutions to combat a perverse ideology that violates fundamental rights, which is installed in Spanish society and institutions.
A work created to achieve the Justice that the Spanish Constitution guarantees us.
Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish